produk neos yang ku pake, usl, gel plus, lotion plus and renewal cream...
progress pemakaian lotion plus di bulan februari 2014, I apply it as night cream
- wajah berasa aluuus banget kalo di pegang, wringkles on my forehead are less visible tapi tapi.... :-(
- pori pori masih obviously seen
- flek??? ughhhhh yai..... masih buanyak
- jerawat dah kalem, tapi masih ada satu yang buandel di pipi.
- ga suka pas bangun pagi,, wajah jadi super oily my hubby always comments on my oily face he doesn't like it
- lotion ini uenakkk........mudah meresap, dan ga terlalu cekit-cekit waktu di apply. beda bgt sama si lotion plus, masih aja cekit yang terlalu woww menurutku.
How about renewal cream? well it was adopted by my sista, it contains retinoid acid which may harm for a pregnant and breast-feeding mom, like me ^_^. it works well on my sister's face.Si Renewal cream ini mantep banget loh. ntar kalo selesai breastfeeding si Aya ayu, pengen beli ini. Nabung dulu
let's see the improvement of my skin another month....
pemakaian neos usl selama hampir setahun |
si usl n lotion plus tuuu 200 ml gedai beut well setara ma si bodlot si vaseline, si gel plus 120 ml. so,lamaaa habis nya.
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