Wednesday, March 26, 2014

baralkallahu milad ke tiga

The third anniversary
Time rally flies hunny
you,  yes you dear my beloved hubby, mas Riza
Allowing you to marry me is the best decision I've ever made in my life
Being with you in every single time in my life is a bless for me
Thanks for teaching me to be patient, more and more
Thanks for accompanying me
Thanks for everything you've shared with me 
I just can't count how many times that you've been too nice to me

Saturday, March 15, 2014

perjuangan perjuangan "cracked heel"

I've fight with this severe cracked heel for about 3 days. I usually apply body lotion after taking a shower. it means  i apply it twice, in the morning and in the evening. Because of the problem on my heel, I decided to apply more, especially before going to bed n I covered my feet with socks and I'm ready to sleep (as I read in an article, applying bod-lot at night is so much efficient and also absorb better).

Friday, March 14, 2014

newborn aya

baby Q

baby Qanaya Zhafira Nurdiansyah was born on April 18th 2013 at 11.20 a.m. in RSI Aisiyah Madiun, she was so cute with 2.85 kg weight and 50 cm height.kenapa RSI? karena ada dr. Santi. kok dr. Santi? yup, karena dokter Santi  kooperatif banget,pro normal plus nya lagi selama kehamilan periksa jg ke obsgyn cantik ini. Proses lahir Aya pun dihandle langsung sama bunda taaaantik ini.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


apa aja problem ku akhir2 ini? ngantuk, gampang lelah, kulit kusam, rambut rontok, gampang sariawan, galau saat art ga bisa datang kerumah untuk jagain si aya ayu, ah isinya kok cuma keluhan.... q rasa ini hanya semacam pencarian alasan atas kondisiku yang ga fit ini. berarti yang harus diperbaiki apa ya?
Pola makan.  yup..... akhir2 ini jarang maem buah. jus???  ah lupa kapan terakhir ngejus... pola tidur? sayur, maem tapi dikit. kaya e kurang banget untuk porsiku.
Pola tidur, hehe jelas berantakan. ini ni penyebab utama kulit kusam n mata lelah ku. harus tidur saat senggang, tapi blog walking ku kapan? ah kegiatan ini menyita babyak waktu tidur ku.